What It REAL COST Of Living In Florida: Breakdown Of Our Monthly Expenses

In this blog post, we will delve into the true cost of living in Florida by providing a detailed breakdown of our monthly expenses.


Hey there, folks! Today, we’re diving deep into the true cost of living in the sunshine state – Florida. As Tampa Realtors, we’re here to provide you with an honest breakdown of our monthly expenses. Hang tight as we unveil the nitty-gritty details of how we manage our budget in this vibrant state filled with endless possibilities.

Living Expenses Breakdown

Buckle up as we take you through the breakdown of our monthly expenses living in Florida:

  • Housing: Our cozy abode in Florida comes with a price tag that plays a significant role in our monthly expenses.
  • Healthcare: Staying healthy is non-negotiable, and healthcare expenses are a crucial part of our budget.
  • Childcare: Raising little ones in the sunshine state comes with its expenses, and childcare is an integral part of our monthly budget.
  • Auto Costs: Getting around in Florida requires reliable transportation, and auto costs are a part of our routine expenditures.
  • Groceries: From fresh produce to pantry staples, our grocery expenses are a part of our monthly financial plan.
  • Dining: Treating ourselves occasionally to dine out is a delightful part of our Florida lifestyle.
  • Utilities: Keeping the lights on and water flowing are essential costs that form a part of our regular expenses.
  • Internet: Staying connected in today’s digital world comes with a price, and internet costs are part of our monthly bills.
  • Lawn Care: Maintaining that picture-perfect lawn in Florida requires some investment, and lawn care is part of our living expenses.

The Changing Landscape of Florida Living Costs

Florida was once known for its affordable living costs, but with inflation on the rise, expenses like insurance and home prices have seen an uptick. Our budget may not mirror yours, but we’re committed to transparency in sharing our experiences.

Insights into Living Costs in Tampa Bay Area

As Tampa Realtors, we have front-row seats to the evolving living costs in the area. From the 50-30-20 budgeting rule to understanding housing options and costs, we’re here to guide you through the financial landscape of living in Florida.

Housing Options and Costs in Florida

The housing scene in Florida offers a myriad of options, each with a unique price tag attached. Renting or leasing are viable choices for newcomers in the state. The median home price in the greater Tampa Bay area stands at $439,000, making it crucial to understand the housing costs before planning a move.

From Detroit to Florida: Our Journey

Over five years ago, we made the leap from the urban landscape of Detroit to the sunny shores of Florida. The transition brought about a whole new set of financial considerations, but living in Florida has blessed us beyond our wildest dreams.

Auto and Homeowners Insurance: Hot Topics in Florida

Navigating auto and homeowners insurance in Florida comes with its complexities. Understanding the intricacies of insurance costs is vital for maintaining financial stability in the state.


In conclusion, living in Florida is a unique experience that comes with its set of financial considerations. From housing costs to everyday expenses, understanding the true cost of living is paramount for a smooth transition to the sunshine state. As Tampa Realtors, we strive to provide you with insights to make informed decisions about your financial future in Florida.

FAQs About Living in Florida

  1. How do housing costs in Florida compare to other states?
  2. Are there any hidden costs associated with living in Florida that newcomers should be aware of?
  3. What factors contribute to the rising living expenses in Florida?
  4. How can individuals effectively budget for healthcare costs in Florida?
  5. What are some cost-saving tips for managing auto expenses in the sunshine state?