Avoid Moving to Tampa Florida Unless You Can Handle These 10 Facts!

Welcome to our blog post! Today, we want to shed light on some important facts about moving to Tampa, Florida. Trust us when we say that it’s crucial to be well-informed before making a decision as big as relocating to a new city. So, unless you’re prepared to encounter these 10 facts, we advise you to think twice before packing your bags and heading to the Sunshine State!

Avoid Moving to Tampa Florida Unless You Can Handle These 10 Facts!


Moving to a new city can be an exciting adventure, but it’s essential to know what you’re getting into. Tampa, Florida, is a popular destination for many people, with its beautiful weather, vibrant culture, and abundance of outdoor activities. However, there are some aspects of living in Tampa that you should be aware of before making the move. In this article, we will discuss ten negatives about moving to Tampa so that you can make an informed decision.

1. Alligators and Wildlife

Tampa is home to a plethora of wildlife, including alligators. While alligators are generally not aggressive towards humans, it’s important to be cautious around bodies of water, such as lakes and ponds, where they might reside. Remember to keep a respectful distance and avoid feeding or provoking them in any way.

2. Poisonous Snakes

Although not a daily concern, Tampa is home to a few species of poisonous snakes, such as the Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake and the Cottonmouth. While encounters with these snakes are rare, it’s wise to be aware of your surroundings and take precautions when hiking or exploring wooded areas.

3. Mosquitoes

Tampa’s warm and humid climate makes it an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes. They can be a nuisance, especially near standing water, such as ponds or swamps. Some people are more attractive to mosquitoes than others, but there are measures you can take to avoid getting bitten, such as wearing long sleeves and applying mosquito repellent. If you do get bitten, consider using a bug bite suction tool for relief.

4. Other Pests

In addition to mosquitoes, Tampa is home to other pests like wasps, roaches, and love bugs. While these creatures can be bothersome, they are generally not a significant threat. Hiring a pest control company to spray regularly can help manage and control these issues.

5. Smaller Homes

Compared to colder areas up north, Tampa’s homes tend to be smaller. This is due to the warm climate, where people spend more time outdoors and have less need for large indoor spaces. If you’re moving from a larger home, downsizing might be a consideration.

6. Dated Look

Tampa has a distinct charm with its mix of old and new buildings. Many homes and neighborhoods in Tampa were built in the mid-20th century, giving the city a slightly dated feel. While some people appreciate the vintage aesthetic, it’s worth considering if you prefer modern architecture.

7. Power Lines

One common sight in older neighborhoods in Tampa is the presence of power lines. While they are essential for electricity distribution, they can be visually unappealing to some people. If having a clear view is crucial to you, you might want to explore neighborhoods with underground power lines.

8. Outdoor Activities and Fun

Despite the aforementioned negatives, Tampa offers plenty of outdoor activities and fun. From beautiful beaches and state parks to vibrant festivals and cultural events, there is always something exciting happening in the city. Tampa is a great place to enjoy the outdoors and explore the diverse scenery Florida has to offer.

9. Unique Charm

Tampa’s combination of older buildings and modern developments gives it a unique charm that sets it apart from other cities. The blend of historical architecture and contemporary infrastructure creates a captivating atmosphere that many residents find appealing.

10. Neighborhood Discussions and Home Options

If you’re considering a move to Tampa, it’s essential to have discussions about the different neighborhoods and home options available. Each area of Tampa has its own character and amenities, so it’s crucial to find a neighborhood that aligns with your preferences and lifestyle.

For assistance in finding the perfect neighborhood and home in Tampa, you can contact Adam Morejon of The Morejon Group at EXP Realty. Adam and his team have extensive experience in the Tampa real estate market and can provide valuable insights to help you make an informed decision.


Moving to Tampa, Florida, can be an exciting experience, but it’s important to be aware of the negatives associated with the city. From wildlife encounters to pest issues, it’s crucial to understand what you’re getting into before making the move. By being prepared and informed, you can make the best decision for yourself and ensure a smooth transition to your new home.

FAQs After The Conclusion

  1. Are alligators aggressive towards humans in Tampa?
  2. What precautions should I take to avoid snake bites in Tampa?
  3. How can I protect myself from mosquitoes in Tampa?
  4. What other pests should I be aware of in Tampa?
  5. How can I find the right neighborhood and home in Tampa?

Please note, these FAQs are for illustration purposes and can be customized according to specific needs and requirements.